With the election date a month away for congressional seats, isn't it noticeably quiet from the liberal left on issues like abortion, gay rights, gay marriages, gay adoptions, special interest minority issues, and porn. I guess the liberals have learned from the last election, something that Pres. Bush and most Republicans haven't learned yet, or so it seems. They learned that Pres. Bush and the majority of seats won by the Republican Party was a mandate for high family moral values and not the war in Iraq or terrorism. So the Demarcates are keeping silent on those issues, feeling they have enough good collateral from the war on Iraq and the way Pres. Bush is handling it, and the mini scandals they can conjure up by election time, to swing voters to their candidates. If the Republican party doesn't remind the voters of this country, who have short memories, that they are the party for high family moral values, and that if they vote the other party in it will be a mandate to get all the sleaze issues back on the front burner. If the Democrats win the majority, they will push there left wing sleaze through congress. Now is the time to get these issues to the American people, It's almost too late. Make a loud noise, Please, the American people need to be reminded what the Republican Party stands for, even though they have done very little lately for high moral family values. And they need to be reminded what the Democratic Party stands for.

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